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Travel + Tourism

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Teaching resources

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Teaching resources

The Tourism section contains a teaching resources for IGCSE Cambridge and BTEC L3 Travel and Tourism courses

High quality notes with lots of activities in addition to exam style questions make these the go-to resources.

Well laid notes make these a firm favourite with students of all abilities.

Demand for quality accessible tourism notes has been high and it is an area we are concentrating on over the next few months, to complete all the units.

Feedback is always welcome as we strive to bring you the highest quality teaching resources.

Supporting resources

Recommended websites featuring travel and tourism statistics through to natural and man-made attractions.

YouTube clips
A variety of recommendations of travel and tourism videos, from tourist board promotions to documentaries on the impact of tourism.

Fun activities
Lots of fun activities including bingo, quizzes and catchphrases
- see also www.studytourism.com

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Check out our website dedicated to Travel and Tourism
- notes, information, resources and fun activities

Travel + Tourism

Teaching resources

IGCSE Travel & Tourism

Unit 1. The travel and tourism industry

1.1 Understand and explain the structure of the international travel and tourism industry

1.2 Investigate the social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of travel and tourism

1.3 Identify the role of national governments in forming tourism policy and promotion

1.4 Investigate the patterns of demand for international travel and tourism

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Unit 2: Features of worldwide destinations

2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the main global features

2.2 Demonstrate awareness of different time zones and climates

2.3 Investigate travel and tourism destinations

2.4 Identify and describe the features which attract tourists to a particular destination

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Unit 3: Customer care & working procedures

3.1 Dealing with customers and colleagues

3.2 Identify the essential personal skills required when working in the travel and tourism industry

3.3 Follow basic procedures when handling customer enquiries, reservations and payments

3.4 Use reference sources to obtain information

3.5 Explore the presentation and promotion of tourist facilities

Unit 4: Travel and Tourism products ands services

4.1: Identify and describe tourism products

4.2: Explore the roles of tour operators and travel agents in the chain of distribution

4.3: Describe support facilities for travel and tourism

4.4: Explore the features of worldwide transport in relation to major international routes

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Unit 5: The marketing & promotion of visitor services

5.1: Role and function of marketing and promotion

5.2: Market segmentation and targeting

5.3: Marketing Mix:





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Unit 6: The marketing & promotion of visitor services

6.1: The operation, role and function of tourist boards and tourist information centres

6.2: The provision of tourist products and services

6.3: Basic principles of marketing and promotion

6.4: Marketing mix

6.5: Leisure travel services

6.6: Business travel services

BTEC Level 3 Travel & Tourism

Unit 2: Global Destinations

A: Geographical awareness, location and features giving appeal to global destinations

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B: Potential advantages and disadvantages of travel option to access global destinations

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C: Travel planning, itineraries, costs and suitability matched to cutomer needs

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D. Consumer trends, motivating and enabling factors and their potential effect on the popularity and appeal of global destinations

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E. Factors affecting the popularity and appeal of destinations

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Unit 3: Principles of Marketing in Travel + Tourism

Learning Aim A:
Explore the role of marketing activities in influencing customer
decisions and meeting customer needs in travel + tourism

A1. Interrelationships between marketing and customer service in travel and tourism organisations
A2. Influencing customer decisions and meeting needs
A3. The marketing mix used by travel and tourism organisations
A4. Potential impacts of marketing mix and customer service

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